This was a great way to see the city! ...but exploring on foot is always a bit more personal! We took Simon down to River street...
Then we continued on our tour. After we completed the tour loop, we decided to hop off the trolley and explore some areas by foot.
Forsyth park was a great spot where Logan (and Simon) could run around and play in the playground.
We toured inside the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist.
Made a stop at one of the many town squares. This one (Chippewa Square) might look familiar. Just in front of that cement wall once stood a park bench. This is where Forrest Gump told us about how life is like a box of chocolates!
This steeple is across the street....the feather in the opening credits was dropped from here!
We detoured through the Colonial Park cemetery (said to be haunted!)
Before returning to our hotel to get ready for dinner. Simon and I decided to go back to a stop we learned about on our trolley tour for a ghost tour in the evening. So we grabbed a (huge) pizza from Vinny Van Gogos in the city market for a quick bite.
We made our way to one of the most haunted buildings in Savannah...the Sorrel-Weed house (known as the pumpkin house). It has a wicked past and has been featured on a number of ghost hunter shows. We got EMF detectors, and did some hunting of our own! It was lots of fun!
...we finished the night with another cone from Leopold's...delish!